Preventing is better than curing. Below you will read more about our home care facilities.

Personal care at home
The care services of GAAI are not only limited to the residents of the facility, but are available as well to clients at home. We have started recently with the offering of home care services to the people in need of it. GAAI offers the people in need the possibility to hav ethe care they need in their trusted environment at home. GAAI will take all the household chores under their care. A comfortable life in your own house is our goal. We will always take care of you with respect, and respect the privacy that you want and need.

To be able to deliver the care to our clients GAAI works together closely with specialists like doctors, physiotherapists, pharmasists and caretakers. The GAAI team consists of professionals who are able to visit our clients at home, and will be able to offer help with the following:

  • Help with getting out of bed
  • Showering and getting dressed
  • Help with bathroom facilities
  • Cooking
  • Laundry
  • Grocery shopping
  • Wheelchair assistnce


Besides the caretaking, relaxing is also important.

Our coworkers will keep the clients good company, and whenever possible will try to go on a daily walk or going out to do fun things together. Everything related to the wellebing of the client is important to us.


We all know the saying “Rather to prevent than to cure”.

GAAI attaches great value to trying to keep everyone as informed as possible about anything when it comes to the wellbeing of them.