Your care is our concern.


Our website is under construction. Click below to find out more about our initiative

Nursing Home
In the long run there will be a care center, which is meant for people as described under the head of target groups. For this purpose, a (construction) plan is ready, for which financial resources are sought.

Housing and accommodation
The GAAI is a nursing home in Ghana. The center is modern in design and equipped with the necessary equipment and facilities for elderly and other needy people.

The center offers a unique combination of sheltered accommodation, one-room apartments and a service center. Living in GAAI means living in your own apartment or room with help where you need it. Our team consists of well-educated people, they help you to organize your life as you wish. That support is tailored as much as possible to elderly specific needs.

This can be in your own apartment or in a residential group with a shared living room and dining room. The rooms are spacious and offer residents the opportunity to bring their familiar items such as bed, couch, TV. Each resident room has a kitchen sink, adapted shower / toilet room and a wardrobe. The rooms are wheelchair accessible and GAAI is located in a green (relaxing) environment where you can walk. Parking places for visitors have been laid out on the complex and in the immediate vicinity

Residents GAAI
Living in GAAI means living in your own apartment or room with help where you need it. The center offers a unique combination of sheltered accommodation, one-room apartments and a service center.

Activating guidance / Help with the household

With activating guidance we teach you how to deal with the consequences of a disorder, limitation or disability in a pleasant way. If necessary, we help you with the housework. We help you with washing, dressing and undressing, eating and drinking or taking medication. Furthermore, when cleaning your room, washing your clothes and your linen or when shopping. Together we determine what you can do yourself and what you need help with. If desired, family members can take care of certain care problems (in consultation).


The care team consists of:

  • GPs (these will keep practice on a regular basis.)
  • Professional care-takers and nurses
  • Physiotherapists
  • Nutritionists.
  • (Pharmaceutical) assistants..

All specialists mentioned above keep practice on a fixed day in the week.

Below you see our home care team! They do the care for the residents at home.


Facilities within the center

  • Restaurant
  • Shop
  • Sporting area
  • Meal service
  • Laundry
  • Barber
  • Indoor and outdoor garden
  • Technical service

If you live close by you can always make use of these services.


Maybe the building itself does not yet exist, yet we would like to show you what we are doing! If you come to us, we can give you a tour of the area.

This way you can see how we try to solve the current situation. At the same time you can also see for yourself why our and your help is so badly needed.

So, would you like to come and see what it’s like to live with us or maybe even help as a volunteer?
We will be happy to show you the future location and answer all your questions in a personal conversation. Call or email us for an appointment, we are happy to make time for you!

Care and quality assurance
We see quality as:

  • Holistic vision
  • Free and open for specific wishes of the inhabitants
  • Besides basic care and attention always consider improvements
  • Providing complementary care.
  • Cooperation and communication.
  • Educated and motivated staff that share our vision.
  • Approach and plans for each specific user.
  • Information and communication with the elderly as well as their family.

For the internal quality control a number of things are very necessary, namely:

  • Good overall climate.
  • Good material working conditions.
  • Good working relationships.
  • Good terms of employment.
  • Staff development opportunities.
  • Allow everyone to participate (involve).
  • Minimize but being able to discuss aggression and insecurity at work.

In order to be able to offer a good circle of care in all areas that apply to our residents, we work closely with many external disciplines such as:

  • Nursing home doctor (1x per week doctor visiting)
  • Social Psychiatric Nurse.
  • Psychiatrist.
  • Psychologist.
  • Behavioural therapist.
  • Social worker.
  • Physiotherapists.
  • Dietitian.

The GAAI center is entirely subject to the Inspection of the Ministry of Health in Ghana.

Staff Development
Because this care center is new and skilled personnel are hard to find, local people are professionally trained to do the job adequately. This is a ‘training work path’. Working learning! In view of the quality of care that GAAI wants to offer, the candidates are strictly selected for the training program.
Internships and volunteers.
The center offers internships for students of Health Care Programs in the Netherlands, Belgium and in Ghana itself. GAAI Foundation is open to partnerships with voluntary organizations from the Netherlands and Belgium that are active with (care) assistance in Ghana.

Employment opportunities / Econmic added value
With the arrival of this nursing home an estimated fifty people can be assured of a job. With this, Gaai has an economic added value for society. It will be investigated to what extent the government (in the form of subsidy) can guarantee the salaries of a part of the staff.


In order to achieve our goals, we need your financial support.

Also donations such as furniture and equipment are welcome.

If you feel attracted by the work of the Foundation, do not hesitate to contact us. You can call us: + 31-655892682 or send an email to:

If you want to register as a donor, you can. You fill in the form below and send it to the above email address. You can also download the form and send it by mail to Stichting Grales Aged Africans Internationaal.

Donate once, or regularly

Yes, I would like to help!








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